Porinju Veliyath Stock Recommendations Multibaggers
Porinju Veliyath, MD & Portfolio Manager of Equity Intelligence India is a prominent Indian investor and his has focus on identigying quality mid cap and small cap stocks.
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July 2018 - Due June 2018 qtr, Porinju Veliyath increased stake in Emkay Global Financial to 1.22 % from 1.06% earlier. He bought 40,000 shares in the company during the quarter gone by.
April 13 2018 - EQ india Fund run by Porinju picked 1.5 lakhs shares of Agro Tech Foods @ Rs 650
April 2 2018 - Prinju sazid he likes healthcare insurance (HDFC, ICICI) IDFC, Consumption stocks like Godrej Industries, Tata Global Beverages, Indian Hotels, Godrej Agrovet
April 17 2...