Monday, March 3News That Matters

How to withdraw PPF from another bank branch


Can I withdraw PPF from any SBI branch?  Do you want to withdraw PPF without visiting the home branch where you opened your PPF account? Have you moved from that city? 

Lot of members have sent my enquiries as to how to withdraw PPF from other SBI branch. In this post, I will share details about PPF withdrawal from any branch without visiting the base or home branch.

Step by step guide for PPF withdrawl

  1. Download Form C for PPF withdrawal  –   ppf-withdrawal-form-c
  1. Get following documents – Proof of ID and address (Aadhar, Passport, PAN, Election card, Landline bill etc), PPF passbook, Cancelled cheque. 
  1. Keep a photocopy of your PPF passbook for your records
  1. Visit local bank branch – and ask them to attest ppf form as well as supportign documents. The staff may not be aware but you can explain the situation and they can attest it. Sometimes they may chargea fee of Rs 100 for attestation.
  1. Ask the branch staff if they will be forwarding the ppf withdrawal form and documents to the base/ home branch. If they can do it, please get an acknowledgement for your record.
  1. If they can not send the form, then you can send it to the home branch via speed post / registered post.
  1. Once the documents are processed by base branch, then they will transfer the money to your saving account (based on the cancelled cheque submitted).
  1. If there is unreasonably delay, you can raise a query or compliant to the SBI customer care or escalate to Nodal officer.

If you have tried previously to withdraw PPF from another branch, please share your experience and comments for benefit of others.

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