Which ITR Forms to use for FY 2012-13 (AY2013-14) to file Income tax returns in India?
So we are now in Income Tax return filing month - July.
Last date to These Income-tax Returns in most cases for AY 2013-2014 (FY 2012-2013) is 31-July-2013.
However, for the Corporate Sector as well as for persons who are having the requirement of tax audit, the last date of filing Income-tax Return happens to be 30th September 2013.
Now, you must be thinking, which Income Tax return (ITR) Form is applicable for you ?
Salaried employees will normally need to file their Income Tax returns in ITR 1 or ITR 2 (depending on the conditions below).
So please read the specific conditions to determine whether you need to file your returns in ITR 1 or ITR 2.
You can file return in ITR 1
if you have Salary income
If you have income from ONE house property (excluding...