Tuesday, March 11News That Matters

RBI simplifies KYC norms for opening of bank accounts – Local Residence Proof Not Required


RBI has now relaxed the Address proof requirements for opening Bank Account.

Now, a bank account can be opened with just one address proof, permanent or local.  This will help migrant workers and employees with transferable jobs who at present face cumbersome procedure to access banking services.

RBI said that only one documentary proof of address (either current or permanent) will be required while opening a bank account or while undergoing periodic updation.

In cases where customer is not able to furnish local proof of address, the bank may take a declaration of the local address on which all correspondence will be made by the bank with the customer. No proof is required to be submitted for such address for correspondence/local address. This address may be verified by bank through positive confirmation such as acknowledgment of receipt of letter, cheque books, ATM cards, telephonic conversation.

In the event of change in this address due to relocation or any other reason, customers may intimate the new address for correspondence to the bank within two weeks of such a change

RBI Circular No RBI/2013-14/634   DBOD.AML.BC. No. 119/14.01.001/2013-14 DATED June 9, 2014 https://www.rbi.org.in/scripts/BS_CircularIndexDisplay.aspx?Id=8931

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